Home/Index/Celestial Index/Celestial Memories *January 1,2,3,2002*

Celestial Memories by Madoka Fukushima
by Madoka Fukushima

January 1,2002
The new year first afterglow
Calm, but it is to be cold as biting. Calm, but it is to be cold as biting. Calm, but it is to be cold as biting.
Calm, but it is to be cold as biting. Calm, but it is to be cold as biting. Calm, but it is to be cold as biting.
January 2,2002 morningglow morningglow afterglow
Today was a warm day. Today was a warm day.
Januray 3,2002 before sunrise east sky before sunrise north sky before sunrise west sky
before sunrise sky The sky before the sunrise was to do such state being.
It was not the sky which seems able to see a sunrise.
But while after the sunrise, it brightened.
Home/Index/Celestial Index/Celestial Memories *January 1,2,3,2002*

Produced and Photo by Madoka Fukushima
Copyright (C)MADOKA FUKUSHIMA 1999-2003
All Rights Reserved.